Tiger Man

One of the greatest, though most obscure Sun records acts, Joe Hill Louis, also known as the Be-Bop Boy, was one of the One Man Band giants! Unlike some of the more refined, ambidexterous One Man band Blues artists, Louis was a raw, wild performer who didn't display particular expertise on the drums, guitar or harmonica, but displayed an amazing talent to make the wild mess of his simultaneous playing hold together just enough to get through the song. He made his recording debut in 1949 for Columbia, but the remainder of his output was issued on R&B indies large and small: it's the Phillips (Sam Phillips's first extremely short-lived logo), Modern, Sun, Checker, Meteor, Big Town and House of Sound. Louis was only 35 when he died of tetanus.
Joe Hill Louis - Boogie In The Park
Joe Hill Louis - Gotta Let You Go
Joe Hill Louis - Tiger Man

And...BIG F****** THANX to Deep Soul Junkie!!!
Aloha From Hell.
Thank you for your interest.