Hound Dog

“Big Mama” Thornton was a large, tall, imposing woman that commanded the stage and took charge of everything and everyone around her. She dressed like a man and she was known to take no lip from anyone at any time. She was also a woman that knew the blues and could sing the blues with a power to match and even surpass many noted male singers. In the early 1950s, Big Mama signed with the Peacock label. It is there that she was the first to record “Hound Dog” in 1953. Written by composers Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller and given directly to her to sing, the song reached number one on the R&B charts. But Big Mama received only $500 for her entire life recording “Hound Dog”, while Elvis Presley went on to make it a Rock and Roll classic three years later. That's a damned shame, because Thornton's menacing growl was indeed something special.
Big Mama Thornton - Hound Dog
Big Mama Thornton - I Smell A Rat

And here is the answer to Hound Dog !
Rufus Thomas Jr - Bear Cat (The Answer To Hound Dog)
