Bloody-Merry Christmas !!!

Frosty, you've been sooo nice
Ho Ho Ho (last chapter) !!!
Hey folks, thanks again for your kind words, hope you did enjoy the mixes & the Santa Frost special, have yourself a bloody-merry christmas with your family, loved ones, friends or cats, see you next week for a bloody new years eve party mix (boy, this one's meaaaaaaan) !
Yours truly,
And Bang ! Requested songs !
(With a special mention to Better Off Dead who offered us a drunken xmas song ! Thanks !)
It's a tradition here !
Thurl Ravenscroft :
* You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch *

Otis Redding :
* Merry Christmas Baby *

Louis Armstrong :
* Zat You Santa Claus *

Rev. Tom Frost :
* God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen *

Better Off Dead :
* Alcoholiday *

Smokey Hogg :
* My Christmas Baby *

The Cryptkeeper :
* We Wish You'd Bury The Missus *

Usually christmas means that Spector album, but I don't suppose they are playing him any Darlene Love in the slammer.
Love your profile pic !!!!!
BM in NZ
A funny rockin' christmas as always !
Dear Brownie, listen to the end of the 6th Christmas mix, yule love it !
Just wishing you and everyone else in blogsville a rockin'n'rollin Christmas
from Mr A the Barber
great to have you back again in 2009. looking forward to 2010. Have a merry christmas and bloody great new year
thanks a lot lot lot, merry christmas to you all !
thanks for all the presents this year !
Mucho Respect Santa Frost !
-Anti-Disco League-
really enjoyed the holiday mixes. have a great holiday!
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