Forbidden Island !

Aloha dear children of the strange !
Beware !
This is music with the hypnotic enchantment of a jungle paradise filled with both the romantic and the forbidden !
This is music of a unique and spicy flavor.
This is the lure and the spell of Exotic Island !

The arrangements in this album were scored by two very capable musical beachcombers—Joe Kuhn and Bob Louden.
The Surfmen include such top west coast musicians as Paul Horn, Roland Bundock, Jimmy Rowles, Al Hendrickson, Alvino Rey, Jack Sperling, Sam Weiss, J. Castonza [sic], Milt Holland, Gene Estes, Ann Stockton, Emil Richards.


(Yeah, I know, I’m tired)

The Surfmen :
* Forbidden Island *
* Taboo *
* Luau *


Anonymous said…
I was linked here from Hype Machine, but I'm glad I was! This music is so catchty and alluring. Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Well, I have to admit, I like the album cover better than the music.
Anonymous said…
mr tickles is crazy. i'm loving the music!... but, yes, the album cover is boobtastic.
Vinyl Record LP said…
Do you happen to have anything from The Surfmen Sounds From The Exotic Island ? If so can you please post it.
Anonymous said…
you can find the link for the album here --- Enjoy

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