Broke And Hungry !

What ? Modern records on STGW ? What the hell ?
Brothers & sisters, who said downhome blues was dead ?
Like most great ideas, the concept for Broke & Hungry Records was born in a bar. A juke joint, to be precise. But unlike most great ideas, this one went from half-baked bar babble to stark reality at a juggernaut’s pace.
In early October 2005, Broke & Hungry Records founder Jeff Konkel first slurred aloud the idea of starting a country blues label. Less than a month later Broke & Hungry Records was registered as a limited liability company in the State of Missouri.
You must understand that Jeff’s record label is one the BEST blues label you can find today.
Raw, dirty, raw, scratched, raw and tattered blues. Ooooooh yeah.
The first Jimmy ‘Duck’ Holmes cd been reviewed on this very blog last June, but I couldn’t leave you like that…
So thanks to Jeff Konkel , here’s a sampler !
I got my copy of the last cd a couple of days ago, and it hasn't left my cd player yet.
Well, in fact, the four records havent left my player yet.
They’re on heavy rotation !
Odell Harris:
* Train I Ride *
(From "Searching For Odell Harris" -2006)
Terry "Big T" Williams & Wesley "Junebug" Jefferson:
* The Wolves Are Howling *
(From "Meet Me In The Cotton Field" -2007)
Jimmy "Duck" Holmes:
* Pencil And Paper *
(From "Done Got Tired Of Tryin'" -2007)

Jimmy 'Duck' Holmes - Pic By J.Konkel (2007)
B&H site
B&H MySpace site
Buy the damn CDs Godammit !
Dan in Louisville, KY USA
thanks rev
Thanks Stu.
And thank you fellows !
jeff konkel
broke & hungry records