Rat Fink !

Joke of the day :
I have to go back to the hospital for more surgery next wednesday ! hahaha !
How funny is that?
Do I have to laugh or cry?
Anyway, I said to my doctor : You is a rat fink !

In the Hollywood B-movie industry, Ron Haydock was an actor and screenwriter, working with director Ray Dennis Steckler, and he also worked as a magazine editor. Haydock used a variety of pseudonyms -- Arnold Hayes, Lonnie Lord, Jerry Lee Vincent.
As Vin Saxon, he was the author of adult fiction paperbacks during the 1960s and 1970s.
As Arnold Hayes, he wrote graphic stories for Warren Publishing.
Haydock's life came to an end in 1977, when he was struck by a truck while hitchhiking after visiting Steckler in Las Vegas.(Yup, I love details)
He was buried without any publicity.

Ed Roth here! !

Ron Haydock And The Boppers - You Is A Rat Pfink
Ron Haydock And The Boppers - 99 Chicks


Los Psicodelicos Xochimilcas - Susie Q
'Cos it's one of my personal favorite.


'Cos it's Carl.

See you next week !


Anonymous said…
who or what is Steckler?


PS: after leaving my email on one of these comment pages I began to get a rash of junkmails. I've been advised to use "[at sign]" in place of @. Just a thought.

who or what is Steckler?
Reverend Frost said…
Oh sorry mate, I'm talkin' about director Ray Dennis Steckler...
thanx for the email tip, didn't know that....spam spam spaaaaam.
stevedomino said…
ahh, "you is a rat pfink" - a great song from a film that i long to see, "Rat pfink a boo boo" - is there any truth in the rumour that it is called that because they couldn't afford to correct the mistake in the titles to the intended title of "rat pfink and boo boo"?
stevedomino said…
ps - good luck next week, rev!
Reverend Frost said…
Thanx Steve.
Damn, a lotta people told me about the rumour but I can't find anything.
Anonymous said…
trés fort los psicodelicos
merci rev'
Maxim said…
Damn, Rev, good luck next week.... and thanks for the Haydock. My personal favourite Steckler is The Thrill Killers, but the Arch Hall Jr movie he did kinda rocks too as I recall.
erik hogstrom said…
Thanks Rev!
99 Chicks is a classic!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Rev - Sorry to read that you're headed back for more surgery. Good luck, and I hope you recover quick.
guapo said…
What a great post! Hey good luck Tom.

michelsardou said…
ça fait pas plaisir...bon courage!
Tuwa said…
Sorry to hear you have to head back in, Rev. Good luck next week.
Todd Lucas said…
Good luck next week, buddy. Is that your very own copy of the "Rat Fink" 45? Shoo, what a great relic.
Reverend Frost said…
yup yup yup Todd, my own treasure!
Guys, glad you like the post and the songs and thanks for the support!
Garrincha said…
Je découvre cet endroit. Et les 3 premiers morceaux que je télécharge valent de l'or.

Thanks reverend ! [Et bon courage, puisque visiblement ...]
Reverend Frost said…
Bienvenue Amigo !
Reverend Frost said…
Rah fatigué le Rev' - Bienvenu (avec ou sans e?) ^-^
Anonymous said…
The Good & Honorable Rev. Frost
Been outta the sphere for a bit sorry your having to deal with health issues hoping all is resolved swiftly and your back to full throtle soon
as always thanks for the great tunage
All Good Things
Record Brother
C. said…
Best of wishes (again) Rev--keep getting better--you'll get there eventually.

Reverend Frost said…
My man Gerb, thanx -
Chris, cheers-very-much-again
Fernet-Branca said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Fernet-Branca said…
Le premier de ces titres me fait penser à du Zappa ou en tout cas à quelque chose que celui-ci se serait approprié. Ça ne fait que me confirmer dans l'idée que le père des Mothers était une sorte de Picasso de la musique, capable d'assimiler un nombre incaculable de choses contradictoires et de les dépasser. Ce n'est qu'une impression, je peux évidemment me foutre dedans. mais bon…
En tout cas, c'est très chouette… Une chose encore, Révérend ! Ne pourriez-vous pas livrer vos envois en version bilingue ? J'ai le sentiment de passer côté de l'essentiel…, ça me désole !
Reverend Frost said…
Très cher, toujours content et honoré de vous voir ici ! Je sais que Zappa était très friand des films de Steckler (et de ses b.o. donc)...bon pour la version bilingue, il faut que je m'y penche de plus près...Tchüss et merci!
Larry Grogan said…
Great post Rev! I was just explaining Ray Dennis Steckler to my wife last night after we saw a trailer for 'Wild Guitar'. Sorry to hear you have to go back in for more cutting. I'll be thinking about you.
Reverend Frost said…
Cheers Larry.
The DoorKeeper said…
Twebnty Years I've had that record and never heard it before (well not properly)

Ron Haydock "99 Chicks"

4th verse

99 chicks and it's just my luck
not one is a girl that I want to (fades out)

Damn - my teenage ears were too busy dancing!

Nice to hear yo're home and dry Rev.
Reverend Frost said…
Cheers !
(true, we don't write lyrics like that anymore!)

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