I'm Going Home !

Well, Rev Frost came back from the hospital.
What doesn't kill me makes me strong.
At least, it fuckin' hurts.
The surgery went well, I enjoyed some morphine (a lot as they told me), 3 nights without sleeping, a real pain in the arse (sorry for the spelling and english mistakes, I'm really fucked up).
Well at least, I'm home.
By the way, what does the good ol' Rev when he's asleep at the hospital?
He sings.
No kidding, they told me I was singing 'I'm going Home' for about an hour (shouting is the right word) and I laughed a lot.
Well kids, I'm going to (try) to get some rest the next few days -
if only I could sleep...
Oh, and THANX A BILLION for all your private emails and comments.
You're all kind.
Peace, and have a good weekend.
Gene Vincent - I'm Goin' Home (To See My Baby)
Prince Conley - I'm Going Home
Love, Jenny ---
perhaps something I've shared over at "These Records Are BenT!" might speed you along.
I finally have capability to burn and share, so I'm no longer restricted to just showing the record covers to all my weird vinyl.
Please drop in for a visit, and if you'd like to link there, I'd appreciate it.
Be Weeeeeeeeeeeelllllllll, I'm Going Home dun dunna dunna dun
to see my baby dun dunna dunna dun
Good luck
Le Grand Livre a besoin de tes commentaires
I'm really glad to see you're ok. I was a little worried.
Your blog, by the way, is on the top of my list and no one comes anywhere near you in the blogging field. Your ability to pick incredible songs has never been surpassed. I also wait and hope you will once again generously share your own musical talents with us.
Again welcome back Rev
Darren, I'd go for a Martin !
Nathalie, Thanx sweetheart, the world needs more nurses like you.
As an older bastard, I have enjoyed perusing your blog for some time now & would be disappointed if it were to stop.