Ho Ho Ho !!!

Dear Santa, old buddy, Here's my humble wishlist for this Christmas. 1.Please, send me a new internet access as soon as possible, it's a real pain in the arse right now. I missed all the goodies from my fellow bloggies neighbours and it's pretty hard to have a blog when you can't post anything at all. 2.Please,Send to all my readers a gallon of whiskey each, they deserve it. 3.Please,give them health and prosperity (or drugs, it depends). 4.I know your did your job last year, but hell, send me ANOTHER record label. 5.Send to all mankind understanding and peace of mind, I mean,Vonce, gimme back my Percy Mayfield Lps godammit. 6.Please, send to the lovely and faithful Mrs Frost some flowers, cos I think I'm gonna be late this year. 7.I've been nice I've been nice Oh I've been so nice. 8.Please,send joy, happiness and a lotta of sex parties to all my friends, some of them are desperate. 9.And please, can I get a pint of Guinness? Awc'mon Santa, it's...