Bad Joke

Deep shit again.

My cousin David is dying. The end of the road.

He has been sick for 3 years now. And it’s the end today.

We were raised like brothers. And he was a loyal friend.

I know he couldn’t understand a bloody word written on this blog but he was always happy to hear good music, and he was the most happiest man on earth when I told him I was releasing my first record. He was an excellent drummer too, a loving husband, an amazing brother, and a proud son.

And now, it’s just a question of weeks, days, hours, I don’t really fuckin’ know.

So, hell yeah, it’s one of the weirdest day of my life.

I don’t know when I’ll be back from Paris, but I hope you don’t mind if I take one or two weeks off .

And sorry to write things like that on this tiny little internet music page, but I feel like I had to.

Life’s a joke my friends.
Today’s a bad one.
He’s 33 years old.

Tom Waits - Fawn


Anonymous said…
please accept my humble condolences. Losing someone you love after they have been ill a long time is not always a surprise, but it is still a shock...

Take as much time as you need of course...just let us know how you are doing when you get back
mr. nice guy said…
ah, shit. my heart breaks for you. stay strong; you'll be in our thoughts.
Anonymous said…
There 's a heart cryin' for you and your cousin.
Frunobulax said…
My condolences, Rev, from blogger to blogger. Keep on rockin'. Hope the bad joke finishes soon.

(No somos nada).
Anonymous said…
Not much to say in situations like this except you and your cousin have our sympathy. That sounds so trite, but it is true and from the heart.
Anonymous said…
I am very sorry to hear of your bad times. I wish David the easiest and most painless of passages into the afterlife. See you when you get back.
Tuwa said…
Ah, Rev. I'm so sorry.

Take care--
Anonymous said…
Courage, révérend.
I hope strength and comfort finds you and David and your families. Hug lots, talk lots, pray lots. Music helps. Take good care, Rev.
Anonymous said…
There's nothing to say. I'll simply sign your guest book. Sorry dude.
C. said…
Tom--i'm terribly sorry to hear this. Hope this message provides just a small dose of comfort for you in a hard time. Take care.

Anonymous said…
My sincere condolences to you and to your family.
tc said…
Je suis desole, Rev. Prends tout le temps que tu veux. Je n'ai pas dit quelque chose a ton blog mais merci pour la musique belle. Mon penses et oraisons pour toi et ta famille.
Anonymous said…
Very bad joke.
I wish you strength, brother.
Take care

Anonymous said…
Your musical choice for this sad post is most appropriate; and it is the lovliest piece of music I've heard for a long time.
Anonymous said…
my little sister died seven years ago. while it's easier now to deal with the loss than it was, i still grieve.

i feel for you, reverend frost.

Anonymous said…
Beaming condolences and sympathy down the wire at ye! All the best, zzzms
L said…
I know I should use english for you to understand, sin embargo no podría expresar la tristeza que siento en un idioma que no es el mío. creo que logras transmitir emociones a los que leemos y escuchamos lo que publicas, y eso no lo hace cualquiera. de hecho, no lo hace casi nadie. me entristece sinceramente la muerte de David a quien, gracias a tus palabras, lamento muchísimo no haber tenido la oportunidad de conocer.
Anonymous said…
One more complete stranger who wants to tell you sorry, rev.
Anonymous said…
The music you have shared with us is full of the happiness and joy that brings meaning to life. I hope that that hapiness and joy eventually conquers the pain you must be feeling now.
erik hogstrom said…
I'm thinking of you and your family, rev.
Anonymous said…
my condolences. I have using Tom Waits to mend a broken heart recently. I never know what the "proper" thing to say is, but I am so sorry for your loss.
michelsardou said…
Accroche-toi, et toutes mes pensées...
Anonymous said…
Sorry Tom. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both
Anonymous said…
God Bless you,Tom, and may the Lord gather David's soul in his loving arms.
Anonymous said…
Losing someone you love is bad enough, but to lose a loyal friend is devastating. Loyalty is so hard to find. Being a drummer he was obviously a music lover.
When my best friend died his wife went off the deep end but it was slowly. Keep a look out for her, it's hard to be alone even when surrounded by family.
Anonymous said…
So hard to deal with such a tragedy. SO hard to know what to say. Everything sounds weak. Your cousin brought you lots of joy. The music you post brings us a lot of joy. My heart goes out to you, Rev. The infuriating thing is that so many great people leave us too quickly while it seems like @$$holes live forever. Take care.
Anonymous said…
Condolences, Frost. You're in my thoughts and prayers. When you're ready tell us more about your brother-cousin with music. Your music. And celebrate him and his life with joy and laughter in this way. That's a story I look forward to hearing.
- Michael
Michael said…
my condolences and best thoughts and wishes go out to you and yours Rev
Anonymous said…
So sorry, Rev. Nothing we say will ease the pain, but you've earned a lot of love in the blogosphere and now's when it comes back to you. All the best.
Anonymous said…
Triste... et le mot est faible. Je ne sais vraiment pas quoi dire d'autre... Si ce n'est de t'assurer de tout mon soutien.
Anonymous said…
feel better!!! and start bloggin soon, i miss the posts and it will make you feel better, i think

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