Mickey Hawks And The Night Raiders !
Mickey Hawks was born in Thomasville, North Carolina. in 1956 he heard the ultimate screamer of rock & roll Little Richard and from that point nothing was to be the same anymore. Mickey formed his first own band that same year called the Rhythm Rockers (The Night Raiders) and they played mostly high-schools. The group signed a three-year contract with Profile.
The record was well received and became No. 1 on about two Chicago stations and sold about 50.000 copies. A follow-up was natural and in 1959 the Rhythm Rockers did record 6 more songs at the Universal Record Studios in Chicago.
After that, no more records by the group were made but they stayed together for about 7 years. Mickey has never stopped playing his brand of music and he's been to Europe several times. As the wise man once said you ain't heard nothing until you heard the white screamer Mickey Hawks !
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Mickey Hawks And The Night Raiders - Screamin' Mimi Jeanie
Mickey Hawks And The Night Raiders - Bip Bop Boom
The Night Raiders - Cottonpickin'