Blues & Rhythm !

In February of 1952, the Bihari brothers who originated Modern Music Records (later Modern) and also would launch RPM, Meteor, Flair, and Kent labels, started a new label that would concentrate on recording blues tunes from the deep south = Blues & Rhythm Records. Among the original musicians signed to the label are Charles Booker and Brother Bell.
Suddenly in October of 1952 the Biharis decide to shut down Blues & Rhythm Records and concentrate on their Modern and RPM labels.
And so ends the short history of another small independent label !

Charley Booker:
* Charlie's Boogie Woogie *
* Rabbit Blues *

Charley Booker:
* Whole Heap Of Mama *
* If You Feel Froggish *


Anonymous said…
super Rev'
jamais entendu
c'est qui l'harmo
Anonymous said…
please please put me on your links!!,nice blog & read.Lazy
Anonymous said…
Great stuff as usual. For all things Blues and Rhythm, check out - a fine publication!
Anonymous said…
fantastic tracks, thank you rev.
Tuwa said…
Veddy good.
Anonymous said…
the short history of another small independent label

Mmmm... sounds like you know what you're talkin'about !
Reverend Frost said…
bbb: Houston Boines qu'ils disent
anonymous 1: Done
captain: suscription ordered, thanks !
anonymous 2 & tuwa: gracias
gt: 'tin, tu l'as dit ^_^
Anonymous said…
nice story on the blues & rhythm lable. Im the grandson to saul bihari and love theblues.

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