Johnny Fortune !

Howdy Folks !
Gosh ! Garsh ! Jesus ! (where?)
We're celebrating today the 5th anniversary of this very blog !
Yeeepee !!! And thanks again for your support !
And a good opportunity to repost an old 'portrait' (ooh lala, rev is so french),
You cand read his bio on the original post , and hell yeah, what a man, hear those three fantastic tracks here ! Enjoy, and buy anything you find from Johnny !
Johnny Fortune :
* Dragster *
* Siboney *
* Lone Surfer *

Oh by the way, if you want to hear something posted in the archives, it's the time, let me know here or by email - yep, for a proper blog birthday, there'll be another 'Tales From The Archives' (tadaaaaa) next week !
Thanks you for being here and thank you for being you.
you rock rock rock mine, too. My dream DJ set would end with your cover of 'you belong to me'.
Jackie Wilson, 'years from now' !
thank you great rev
Thank you !
everything you've posted so far for the last five years has been un-be-lie-vable. you rock rock rock indeed, and I'm with D. what about a track of yours
take care,
I have been hangin' around for about five years,
and you still are able to suprise me with great tunes...
Kenny Lust