Halloweeeeeeeen (Part 14) !!!

Buwuwuwuwuuuuuu… Yep, that’s a cry from the heart ! Boys & Girls, this is the last mix of our bloody halloween hootenanny – for this year ! First of all, I would like to tell you HOW MUCH I did enjoy making, chewing & spitting those monsters out, and I really hope you felt the same just as much as I did !!! (Frankly, reading those comments again makes me think that you’re all as mad as me) Anyway, thanks again for your time, thanks a freakin’ bunch for all the sites/blogs who did put a link for these, hope you’re all gonna scare the shit out of your neighbours/ex-wives-husbands/boss/ well, you know, people you frankly like. So Have yourself a scary little Halloween, hope those mixes helped a bit – and, that goes without saying but, yeah thanks to all the artists included in the mixes, every crazy songs, every demented movies in the universe, thanks thanks thanks !!!!! Once again, MUWUWUHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA !!! Rev. Frost Presents…A Bloody Halloween Mix, Part 14 ! (65 :31) aka : L...