One day my friends, one day...

And the Reverend said to his internet access:
The LORD himself will send against you curses, confusion, and disillusionment in everything you do, until at last you are completely destroyed for doing evil and forsaking me.

oh and yeah HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!


Anonymous said…
Satan baby, satan!

Happy new year Rev...
Testify said…
Good to have you back, Rev. You are back,right?
Reverend Frost said…
Unfortunately, not yet my dear.
But I bought a new voodoo book though. So I'm sure it won't be long.
Seriously, so sorry about that.
Tuwa said…
Rev, have you hardened your heart against the Lord? Don't you know a plague of locusts is next?
Anonymous said…
We pray to the gods of the web for your safe return to us all.
Anonymous said…
This are dark days, without the superb musical injections of the Rev... greetings from Belgium
Anonymous said…

What the fuck's going on Brother?

Anonymous said…
He tampered in God's domain.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
affreuxthom said…
en attendant, je prie
Wastedpapiers said…
Happy Nude Ears! All the best for a blog filled 2007!
Anonymous said…
get the chickens, candles and charcoal
and let the Loa get together for a
ritual soulshakedown, then let us all sing:
Burn, baby burn!

A happy new year to you Reverend!
michelsardou said…
Apninouillère, Rev'
Scurvy said…
I'll continue to wait patiently.
Hpe you're well.
Anonymous said…
fuckin' hell, we're missing you out here on the internets.
Come baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!
Garrincha said…
Come on ! Did you make the proper sacrifices to the gods ?
BwcaBrownie said…
Happy New Year Reverend Frost, and some very bad juju on your internet non-connection.
Anonymous said…
Err... a strange New Year to you!

By the way, the Tom Waits Supplement has been renamed Tom Waits Library and moved to a domain of its own. You have a link to the old site at: "Holy Links -> Tom Waits". New address is:

Good luck, take it easy and don't die!
Anonymous said…
I'm still checking this site every night.
Anonymous said…
Je t'attends (de pied ferme) sur mon blog. Avec un article sur lequel tu ne peux pas ne pas apporter ton grain de sel...
Anonymous said…
could you post up the track "ai ya ya" by yao lee if you have it? thanks.
Anonymous said…
could you post up the track "ai ya ya" by yao lee if you have it? thanks.
Anonymous said…
Paul Really Is Dead!!!
Tuwa said…
The flock looks around, blinking.
Anonymous said…
please come back soon
Reverend Frost said…
Stick with me, stick with me !
I'm SO sorry for this hiatus, I'm will hunt down and chase those bastards who's suppose to cable my dsl !!!!
(At least, I had plenty of time to buy some records which is ,hum, good news.)
Hope everyone's okay.
Reverend Frost said…
who ARE supposed to, damn, it's the emotion.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
c'mon people, let's scream all together:
Anonymous said…
oh i miss you so much!!
BwcaBrownie said…
....born under a Bad Sign,

been down
since I could crawl ....

If it wasn for bad luck ...

I'd have no luck at all ...................

love from Aussie Brownie.
Hobo said…
Ooh! Rev, you are having a hard time aren't ya ! Keep the Faith !!

The DoorKeeper said…
REV!! Tell the truth!! Have you been abducted by cigar smoking Paisley suited Space Aliens with saxophones for hair??????? Wow!! Cool!
Reverend Frost said…
What did I miss??????

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