A Bloody '10 New Years Eve Party Mix !!!

Aloha ! So yeah, this is it, another bloody year is almost behind us goddammit ! I think I’ve said quite the same thing last year but I know it's been a difficult year for some, a year of changes for others, a year of absolutely NOTHING for the rest of you, and fortunately for some, it’s been the year of good luck, wheter because your horrible aunt died and left you with a shit load of money, or it’s just because you met the woman of your life. Or the man of your life. Or both. Anyway, it’s been a change even for this very blog, see, ‘twas a cool tiny blog with a lot of ripped 45 rpm and now pfffff look at this, only mixes, that’s a freakin’ shame. Naaaaaa, just kidding, you love those mixes, and seriously, it’s a good excuse while making a mix to have a drink, smoke 5-10 cigarettes, play those things loud and have a big laugh, so let’s go on shall we ! I’m not supposed to MAKE music all the time for heaven’s sake ! Speaking of that, THANKS a million for your feedback on the free l...