Hello folks. Sorry to interrupt this broadcast (haha). I thought I was back for good, but due to shitty circumstances (don't ask, it's too ridiculous), we've been kicked out from where we lived, so the result is : I'm sitting in a bloody cyber-café again just to let you know that I'm pretty much homeless (more much than pretty actually). Yup, no roof, no records, just the missus , a guitar and the old car. God, I always loved Vince Taylor, but it's not a good reason to end up like him. Okay, I'm not hopeless, you know me, good things are gonna come my way one day or another, but hey, it's pretty weird to sleep in a car. So I really don't know when I'll be able to get my hands on a computer again (not my priority to be honest), so don't worry, you know what they say, 'cheer up, it's not the end of the world'. Until the next time, I wish you the best. Yours Truly, Reverend 'Hobo' Frost.