Bukka White !

Yeeha Folks ! A quick note, there’ll be no post next week for a good reason then,I’m playing in this sweeet Blues Festival in Switzerland next Sunday, so if you’re near, come check this out and bring yo’ mama ! Speaking of Delta, I was quite sure I did a post about a real master but hell no...so here it is ! Born Booker T. Washington White, Bukka White started his career playing the fiddle at square dances and he claims to have met Charlie Patton early on, regardless, Patton was a large influence on White ! Oh and he's the one who gave his cousin B.B. King, his first guitar ! He first recorded for the Victor Records label in 1930, whom, like those of many other bluesmen, fluctuated between country blues and gospel numbers. His gospel songs were done in the style of Blind Willie Johnson, with a female singer accentuating the last phrase of each line. Nine years later, while serving time, he recorded for folklorist John Lomax. The few songs he recorded around this time became his mo...